
S P I N N I N G   L I N E S ..............................E Y E L I N E S

Manifestation 1

This book began as a piece called "Spinning Lines" which I created for an exhibition "Meeting in the Middle" being put together at the Northampton University Gallery (UK) in 2005.  It was an international exhibition being organized by an organization called "We Love Your Books" Melanie Bush. http://www.weloveyourbooks.com/index.html

The black and white imagery was created using a huge series of trace monotypes.  Once I felt I had a good number of possibilities I selected and started making metaphorical and narrative associations.

Then these were scanned into Photoshop and combined with my handwriting.  However the final connecting thread of narrative was not added until the piece was completely pieced together physically and output as an accordion book.  It was only then that I was able to 'complete' the line of narrative.  For that I used a pigment permanent fine line pen.

These first three photos of the book, show it,  in its initial manifestation as "Spinning lines"  complete with a miniature toy spider attached by mohair wool to the cover.  You can see also, that I added feint chalk pastel to the imagery.


Manifestation 2

Although I was content with the book on the whole I was not sure that the addition of the pastel colours didn't somehow detract from the nature and essence of the black and white imagery.

So I decided to proceed further with the book and to output it in a second version with which I hoped I  would feel it to be more  resolved.
So I printed out another set of images and collated them together, still onto the Fabriano paper as before.

In the photo above (lower left) you see the slipcase cover I made for the book.   At that point  I was hoping to have the second version of the book completed and hopefully selected for inclusion, in an International  exhibition in the Noosa Regional Gallery in Australia being curated by Maryka Stagg. 
The exhibition was called "Bookarts 05; Works of Imagination"

Previously The Noosa Regional Gallery had its own website but now it seems to just be a gallery within a website representing the galleries of the region in which it is based.  http://galleries.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/sitePage.cfm?code=gallery-noosa

Below a spread from pages of the book................

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